Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Preventing Osteoarthritis in Men Over 50

Over 50? Take action now to limit your osteoarthritis risk
If you're a man over age 50, your odds of getting Osteoarthritis are going up. In fact, research shows that by age 60, most men will have some form of this degenerative joint disease.
Osteoarthritis simply explained is a deterioration of the soft cartilage material lining our joints. The cartilage breaks down, leaving rougher, uneven surfaces where the joint grinds instead of slides. At worst, the cartilage can wear away entirely, leaving direct bone-on-bone contact.
Osteoarthritis normally shows up in the following joints:
  1. Hips
  2. Knees
  3. Spine
  4. Shoulders
While osteoarthritis causes are subject to much discussion, two main factors seem universal:
  1. Joint overuse or repetitive stress
  2. Joint injury
In limiting the risk of osteoarthritis, we will focus primarily on joint overuse and repetitive stress.
Regarding joint injury, leading a high-impact lifestyle, where you're likely to fall hard or impact the joints with blunt force, will increase your osteoarthritis risk. But hey, you gotta live your life, so make these lifestyle decision with discretion.
Osteoarthritis Causal Factors
Most men over 50 don't understand joints very well. For our purposes, it's important to understand that the skeletal system, including where bones connect as joints, aren't really designed to bear a lot of weight.
Our skeletal role is mostly just to provide a rigid structure for muscle attachment. The following two factors can contribute greatly to joint stress:
  1. Obesity; carrying too much weight
  2. Muscle atrophy; weak muscles
For example, if you're a man about 50 and six feet tall, your body weight should be in the neighborhood of 175 pounds, give or take a few. For this same person who might weigh, say 250 pounds, that's an extra 75 pounds of weight your body must support.
On top of that, throw in a sedentary lifestyle where muscles have shrunk to a limited capacity in supporting the joints. After all, a joint is really only as strong as the muscles and tendons that hold it together.
The combined effect is "settling into the joints", placing tremendous loads on the knees, hips, and spine. Now think of joint cartilage as the "contact points" of this load.
After years of abuse the joint cartilage just starts to fall apart.
Risk Prevention
Limiting osteoarthritis risk in men over 50 then is pretty self-evident, but it's up to you as the individual to take the right actions now, so here are the keys:
  1. Lose weight. Universally, this is the single best thing any man over 50 can do to improve overall health. However, specific to osteoarthritis, maintaining proper weight is an imperative.
  2. Strengthen your muscle base. Resistance training (weight lifting) is the best way to achieve muscle strength gains. If you don't have resistance training experience, find a reputable personal trainer to help start you. Any program must include total body strengthening with heavy emphasis on increasing core strength.
Osteoarthritis is not completely preventable in men over 50, however understanding the causes and taking specific action now will limit anyone's risk in a favorable way.
Remember, it's your body, the only one you'll ever have. It's up to you to take the steps required to maintain a healthy body and a healthy, happy life.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Natural Ways to Treat Leg Pain

To treat leg pain, medical doctors usually prescribe various pain killing drugs. Pain killers usually work within a short amount of time. However, if your body becomes dependent on these drugs, this may have an adverse effect on your vital organs, especially your kidneys and liver. So to prevent this from happening, you may want to opt for natural ways and home remedies to treat the pain. Below you will find some suggestions.
1. Hot compress
To feel better, you can try applying hot compress on your legs. Doing this will give you a soothing effect. While the most common hot compress technique is to put a hot compress bag on your legs, you can try other procedures such as the following: hot towel, hot brick, or even a hot bottle. Just make sure that the temperature is tolerable enough to prevent scalding and burning.
2. Mind your posture.
If your job requires you to always stand, you want to make sure that you stand on both legs to distribute your weight evenly on both feet. Don't stand on one foot as this causes you more pain.
3. Never ever cross your legs.
As previously stated, one of the causes of leg pain is a compressed artery. This compression can be because of several reasons, but one of these reasons is bad circulation or blood flow. So if you have a bad habit of crossing your legs, it's about time that you quit as this will contribute to your pain.
4. Wear a comfortable pair of shoes.
Women who love wearing heels often suffer from leg pain. Sure, these heels will make you look lovely and sexy, but they can also give you much pain. So as much as possible, wear comfortable shoes or choose a better alternative such as wedges and flats.
5. Get a massage regularly.
Leg pain can also be caused by aching muscles. So get a massage or a foot rub from time to time. This will relax the muscles and soothe aching and tired feet.
6. Get enough vitamin D.
If your body does not get enough vitamin D, not only will your legs suffer but also your bones. One of the best natural sources of vitamin D is the morning sun. So as much as you can, go jogging right after the sun shines in the morning to catch some of the sun's healthy rays.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Learn When To Get Gynecomastia Surgically Treated

Some doctors advise you to simply wait for gynecomastia to go away on its own, since it often does. However, this advice does not work for everyone, which is why there is treatment available. If you are not sure if you should wait or do something about it, learn why the latter option may be best for you.
If you are uncomfortable with the way this condition makes you look, you might want to get treatment sooner rather than later. For example, you can get plastic surgery that eliminates most of the excess fat on the chest area. This is a quick way to get rid of the issue, though you will need some time to heal. If other people have made fun of you or you are simply not confident with the excess fat on your chest, fast treatment is likely a good option. Otherwise, you could be waiting years for the issue to go away on its own.
Some may think of surgery for gynecomastia to be solely a cosmetic procedure, in which case it would not be covered by insurance. This is a big reason some people wait for the condition to clear up by itself, as they simply do not have the money to spend on a procedure. However, many insurance companies actually cover this surgery, in which case there may be no need to wait for it to heal by itself. If you have been avoiding the treatment because you cannot afford it, you should ask your insurance provider if it will be covered, either fully or partially.
In general, gynecomastia tends to go away on its own within a few months. If it is still present after one or two years, you might consider surgery. This is especially the case if you have tried other methods, such as medication, to no avail. Your doctor will let you know if you should get a surgical procedure. Most doctors advise patients to wait until they are at least through puberty, and then get the proper treatment for the issue.
If you have been dealing with this condition for months and are ready for it to disappear, you might consider waiting a bit longer. If it has already been years, or you are tired of the humiliation you feel, you should look into the price of having it treated. If it is quite affordable, or even covered by insurance, you are advised to seriously consider having the excess fat surgically removed as soon as possible.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Impact of Soft Drinks and Energy Drinks On Wellness

Most people have heard at some point or another, "soda is horrible for you" but the question is- why are they bad?
If you're like me, being reprimanded and told that "something is bad" isn't necessarily going to stop me from doing it. I have got to know why and alternative options always help make the transition easier
So first off- why "soda is bad":
Diet and regular sodas have both been associated with obesity, kidney damage, and certain cancers. Soft drinks have also been linked with elevated blood pressure. The drinks are seen as a major contributor to the obesity crisis and in a way- it's hardly surprising. Soda is relatively cheap and they are usually wrongly recognized to be "low-calorie" items (which obviously, they are not- particularly when several soft drinks are ingested).
Many reviews indicate that overweight children and adults consume more sugary drinks than normal-weight kids and adults, and several studies found that the greater sugar-sweetened drinks people drank the greater their probability of becoming overweight. And the following is where not only soda, but sugary products take it to the next stage: the more sugary drinks you consume, the more food you usually eat. Why? Due to the "sugar highs and lows" from the soft drinks and the quantity of caffeine. Sugary and highly refined foods (and drinks) often hold you over for 10-15 minutes before you find yourself looking for a snack again... or another sugary or caffeinated drink. A treat of lean protein and a complex carb can hold you over for three hours!
Why energy drinks are harmful:
Energy drinks can be linked to all of the negatives of soda (above). But added to that is the even HIGHER level of caffeine. With soda the FDA limits the amount of caffeine can be in soda (65mg per 12 oz), however with energy drinks, they are certainly not restricted. "The FDA does not regulate caffeine in energy drinks, some of which, like Cocaine, contain huge amounts of caffeine: 280 mg in an 8.4-ounce serving, compared with about 100 mg per 6 ounces in coffee." (Boston Globe)
For the most part, the increased caffeine has not been discovered to be "life-threatening". Nonetheless caffeine can increase anxiety, panic, some stomach problems, and some cardiac arrhythmia.
Drinks high in sugar or caffeine choices:
-flavored water..not the sort you shop for! Toss a handful of frozen strawberries inside a water bottle, or have a pitcher of water in your fridge. The frozen fruit triples as "water flavoring", ice cubes, and a healthy treat once it's thawed!
-green tea- it's calorie-free (if you have it without milk or sugar) and naturally high in antioxidants
-seltzer water & juice- you have the fizziness of the soda (without the majority of the sugar and caffeine) in addition to the flavor of your favored juice. Again, add pieces of frozen fruit to spice it up!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Things You Can Get Done With A Facelift

If you are looking to change your appearance in either a dramatic or subtle way, you may want to consider getting a facelift. You can erase the effects of time, weather and poor dieting from your face without having to have extensive surgery. It doesn't matter what type of changes you want made, virtually any blemish or flaw that makes you unhappy or uncomfortable can be taken care of. Keep in mind that your face is often the first place where aging is prominent. It is also the first thing people see when you are out in public. In order to present the world with your best face, a facelift can be done to help you accomplish that.
Many people often find that when they start to see signs of aging, it starts to deflate their spirits. This can cause some very negative effects on mood and affect other areas of your life. Instead of being proud of their age, they often start to resent what they see. Their spirits and energy don't coordinate with what their body looks like. In order to prevent that type of scenario from happening, a facelift can help keep you in tune with your body.
There are several things you can have done with a facelift procedure. You can choose to have them done individually or together. If your skin shows signs of excessive elements exposure, feels tough and looks blotchy, you can have skin resurfacing done. There are cosmetic peels and laser techniques that offer microdermabrasion to get rid of the old, dull and dead skin and allow the fresh, softer and younger skin to show through. If you want to tighten up sagging skin or get rid of extra skin that frames your features, you can always have your skin tightened up. This can also get rid of some of the wrinkles that may sprinkle your features.
Depending on the type of work you want done, you may or may not need to have anesthesia. Some techniques that are involved in the facelift process are more involved than others. For instance, you may need to have minor surgery where incisions are placed along certain point in the perimeter of your scalp, in order to do a skin lift. Most procedures don't require you to be put to sleep and can be done in your doctor's office. Sedation and anesthesia can be administered if you and your doctor deem it necessary for your particular procedure. Many procedures also don't require a lot of operational or down time. This makes it much easier for you to schedule an appointment and make time for recovery as well. Of course if you are having surgery, you may want to enlist someone to keep you company for the first day after your operation. Even though the risks are very minimal, you may still see some swelling or bruising in the areas that were worked on. These are temporary and will resolve on their own in a few days. Then you will be free to show the world that age is indeed nothing but a number.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Gynecomastia Is Associated With Several Risk Factors

Not every male gets gynecomastia, but more get it than you would think. This is likely because few people like to talk about it. If you have not been affected by this condition, there is no way to tell for sure if you ever will. However, there are some factors that may be able to tell you if you have a high chance of developing gynecomastia.
One of the most common culprits is the impact of hormones. For this reason, it is likely that if you develop this issue, it will be during puberty. Of course, this happens to be when many boys are already self-conscious and possibly being humiliated for unrelated factors, so adding excess fat on the upper body can lead to increased social issues. You should know, though, that hormones are unbalanced when you are particularly old or young, too. This means that you can develop this condition in old age, and even some newborns have it, so hormones can strike at any time and lead to excess chest fat.
If you take certain medications, you may have an increased possibility of developing gynecomastia. Not surprisingly, anything that alters you hormone levels can have an effect. This means androgens and anabolic steroids can increase your chance of facing this issue. Even anti-androgens, which are given when you are fighting certain types of cancer, can cause this problem. Additionally, your risk of getting excess fat on your chest increases when you are given medication to treat AIDS, infections, or ulcers. This does not necessarily mean you should refuse medication because of the slight risk of getting this issue. Instead, let your doctor know your concerns if you are worried about this.
Before you skip medications, it is important to note that some conditions can actually increase your risk of gynecomastia. Examples include kidney failure, hyperthyroidism, and hypogonadism, and these are just a few conditions that can lead to excess fat on the chest when left untreated. For this reason, you should not avoid treatment for these issues just because of the slight chance of excessive fat.
In addition, self-medicating can improve your chance of developing gynecomastia. For example, if you regularly drink alcohol or take recreational drugs, you may be putting yourself at risk for excess chest flab, among other issues.
It should be clear by now that this condition has several risk factors. Some of them can be controlled, while others cannot. However, either way, you have some treatment options if you do notice flab in the chest region at any age.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Reasons to See a Knee Doctor Soon After You Notice Pain in the Area

For many people, a knee doctor is a necessity when they can no longer handle the pain. The discomfort can be in one or both knees, and it can range from mild to extreme. Whether you are suffering from pain that has been around for years, or have recently been injured, you should go to a specialist to get the care you need.
If you have a lingering injury in this part of your body, choosing the right knee doctor may allow you to finally get it treated. You should not have to live with constant discomfort. If it hurts to simply walk, you need to get treatment for the issue soon. Even if it only hurts when you are particularly active, such as while working out, you need help. It can be hard to stay healthy or get in shape when you have injuries in your legs, which means this issue can have a major negative impact on your life. Do not let your quality of life diminish because you have an issue that could be treated by a specialist.
If you recently got the injury, you should go to a knee doctor as soon as possible. Many people get these types of injuries in sports, keeping them from achieving their best. If you have impressive athletic abilities, do not let them go to waste just because your knees are out of commission. In many cases, surgery will be necessary. While this requires a recovery period, you at least have a date by which you can expect to start feeling well enough to play sports again. When you let injuries go untreated out of fear of what surgery will do, you face years of discomfort, and you may not even be able to play sports at all during that time. You certainly will not be at your best anyway.
Another reason to get the injury checked out is that it could spread to other parts of your body after a while. You may find that another area of your body has had to work harder to compensate for your knees, leaving you with additional problems. In fact, when you see a knee doctor, you may find out that you have a condition that starts in your knees and spreads to the rest of the body. Therefore, getting treatment early on can alert you about such conditions.
It clearly makes sense to at least get an initial consultation from a knee doctor near you. You will find out if you have to have surgery or if there is another treatment available. At that point, you can look forward to the pain finally going away in the near future.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Walk In Clinics For Fall Care

Walk in clinics tend to be busier during the fall and winter months. If you are getting sick, it is a good idea to visit a local facility to get the medical care you need. Doing so can help you to avoid some of the more devastating and difficult types of health problems that exist. During this time of the year, the demand for healthcare goes up. However, you do not have to wait in line at your doctor's office or deal with an ER visit that takes too long. Rather, just turn to one of these immediate care providers instead.
For Prevention
One of the main reasons to visit walk in clinics at the start of the fall season is to take steps to prevent illness. These providers can offer you a flu shot, for example. This can help you to ward off the more dangerous and more limiting types of flu that may be present this year. It may also help you to get a checkup so that you are well on your way to being healthy heading into the holiday season.
Sports and School
With the start of the school year, many of these facilities see an increase in the number of students that come in. Did you know that these facilities can provide you with a large list of services? The facility can help you to get the exams and health screenings necessary to enroll in school or sports programs. If you do get injured during a sport, they can help with the diagnosis of the problem as well as the treatment plan. In addition, many children need shots prior to heading into the school year. You do not have to wait for your doctor's office to have time for this. These facilities can do it for you, too.
Handling the Cold
Once people are back to work in closed quarters or in school buildings, the increase in the amount of illness present goes up. You are more likely to become ill during the fall months than in the summer. This is the prime time to go in and see these medical facility professionals for help. You can get medications that you need. You can make sure your child's fever is under control or get strep through cultures to rule out that condition.
Walk in clinics are fast and easy to use. You do not have to have insurance to make use of them either. They can serve as a simple tool to getting you back on your feet, back to school or back to work in no time. If you need medical care, turn to these facilities as a go-to solution that is right near you.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

After Hours Clinic

The proliferation of urgent care and walk in medical facilities has been an undeniable boost to a portion of the population that would have sooner skipped treatment altogether than make a doctor's appointment or go to the ER. These facilities are easy to use, don't require an appointment, and are often much more affordable than either specialist appointments or a trip the emergency room. That said, many of them are only open during regular business hours. This means that those who need to see a doctor at 6:00 PM still have to go to the ER. If you have an after hours clinic near you, however, you might have an alternative.
Not everyone has a flexible work schedule. In fact, most people in the blue-collar world have very little chance of getting off work to go to the doctor. If it is an emergency, then perhaps. But for a cold? A slightly sprained ankle? These kinds of things are fodder for an overbearing employer to tell you to tough it out and see the doctor on your own time. This is unfortunate, but too many people are a single missed paycheck away from being in dire financial straits. This is where an after hours clinic can be unbelievably helpful. Not only are the prices reasonable, but they are also open during times when it is convenient for working individuals to get care.
When you combine extraordinarily early start times and after school activities, sports, and even detention, kids today spend a lot of time in school. While any parent has the right to take his or her child out of school to see the doctor, this can create problems in some circumstances. What if your child has to miss an important test? What if missing that day's football practice will mean riding the bench for next week's game? School is of paramount importance in a child's life, no matter how old he or she is. Why not take advantage of an after hours clinic, get your child the care he or she needs, and prevent him or her from missing any work in one fell swoop?
All Around Convenience
Sometimes it isn't work, school, or anything else keeping you from seeing the doctor, but simply the timing of your injury. You break your hand as the sun starts fading in the west, and you have no choice but to spend endless hours in the emergency room. But if you have an after hours clinic near you, you can skip the ER and get excellent treatment in a fraction of the time.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pregnancy Week 4 Development

What Is Happening Inside the Body
By this time, the journey of the zygote from the fallopian tube to the uterus should have been completed. On the fourth week, the uterus begins to thicken and it continues until the 4th month of your pregnancy. The zygote settles into the uterine lining and divides into two. The first half becomes the embryo and the second half forms a placenta which serves as the baby's lifeline until the delivery.
During this period, the embryo begins to develop. The inner layer develops into the baby's liver, lungs and the digestive system. This layer is known as the endoderm. Also known as the mesoderm, the second layer develops into the baby's kidneys, sex organ, bones, muscles and heart. On the other hand, the outer layer, which is known as ectoderm, forms into the baby's nervous system as well as the eyes, hair, skin. The growth and development of the organs at this stage is impressively rapid.
What Should You Expect During This Period
By this time, the signs and symptoms of pregnancy of your pregnancy might have become more evident. Just like the major changes taking place inside the body, you should also anticipate some changes outside the body. You may begin experiencing some PMS like symptoms. You probably have complained about dizziness, light-headedness, abdominal cramps, pains, morning sickness and feelings of fainting.
Early pregnancy symptoms such as mood swings and cramping may begin to manifest. Bloating should also be expected at this point in time. Blame it to the progesterone. This hormone slows down your digestion in order to allow nutrients to enter into your bloodstream. Your constantly changing mood should also be blamed to hormones. You might have a slight bleeding due to the implantation of zygote into your uterus.
You might even notice a little pressure on your stomach but this shouldn't cause you to worry. It is pretty normal during this stage. Your breasts may become more tender and appear bigger, and as time passes by, you will notice significant change in their size. Also, the breast becomes sore, tingly and fuller. This is due to the surge of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen in your system.
By this time, your heart should be beating more rapidly. In fact, you might have an additional 15 beats per minute. And you feel tired most of the time which causes you to fall asleep frequently. By the end of the 4th week of your pregnancy, your baby should be 1/25 inches long which is equivalent to a period (dot).
Appropriate Lifestyle for Pregnant Women
Observing a healthy diet and lifestyle is very important during this stage. Pregnant women are eating and breathing for two, therefore they should be careful in choosing the kinds of foods to take. They should take adequate amount of essential nutrients to optimize their baby's growth and development.
Limit your intake of softdrinks, teas, colas and cocoas, and prefer decaffeinated sodas and brews. Pregnant women are normally prescribed with health supplements during this period. You need to take plenty of iron, calcium and folic acid. Iron is best obtained from cereals, pulses, breads, meat and green leafy vegetables. Folic acid is important in preventing the onset of spina bifida and other neural tube defects.
Some pregnant are prescribed with Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, potassium, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, manganese, magnesium, iodine, copper, chromium and choline.
Oranges for You and Your Baby's Health
Oranges are probably one of the best fruits to eat during this early stage of pregnancy. Oranges are citrus fruits which provide additional protection to pregnant women. According to research, taking at least one orange in a day makes the body less prone to infections. It offers plenty of vitamin C which provides additional protection and resistance against diseases such as cancer and osteoporosis.
Furthermore, oranges are packed with massive amount of Vitamin B6 which is beneficial during the process of hemoglobin production. In effect, pregnant women are less likely to suffer from hemoglobin deficiency during this very crucial stage.
Oranges are also beneficial to the baby. This citrus fruit contains ample amount of folic acid and Vitamin B which are beneficial in the baby's brain development. The fruit also contains high level of potassium and iron which ply vital roles in protecting the cardiovascular system of the body, especially the heart. Though this citrus fruit is beneficial to the body, pregnant women should not eat more than 2-3 regular size oranges, as it can cause stomach acidity, stomach cramps and heartburn.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Link Between Fleet Drivers And Gastrointestinal Disorders

Compared to employees from other occupational groups, professional drivers are at a greater risk of suffering from a wide range of illness due to their job's nature and unfavourable working environment. In fact, higher mortality and morbidity rates associated with these conditions have been recorded in professional drivers.
Professional drivers are more likely to experience high levels of occupational risks than employees in other working groups. In fact, they are more at risk of suffering from blood vessel and heart disease, musculoskeletal problems as well as digestive disorders.
Long term driving which normally elicits unhealthy lifestyles which trigger the development of many serious health conditions including cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, cancer and even gastrointestinal (GI) disorders.
Gastrointestinal Disorders and Their Nature
Gastrointestinal disorders, commonly known as digestive diseases, are a group of diseases which affect the digestive system composed of the mouth, esophagus, gall bladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus, liver and the pancreas. These organs are responsible for the digestion of food.
The most common symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders include inflammation in the lining of small and large intestines, rectal bleeding, weight loss, chronic diarrhea, cramping and abdominal pain. Other symptoms include persistent fever (low-grade), unexplained weight loss, bloody stool, tarry, black and foul-smelling stool, bloated-feeling every after meal, vomiting blood, reduced heart rate and inability to have bowel movement.
The most common forms of GI disorders include Crohn's disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, secretory diarrhea, gastro-oesophageal reflux and gastric ulcers. According to studies, people diagnosed with any gastrointestinal disorder are at higher risk of suffering from anorexia due to the condition's unpleasant symptoms which causes them to eat less.
What Are the Most Common Causes of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
Functional disorders are a group of health conditions wherein the bowel seems to look normal but they don't actually function properly. The most common causes of these disorders include inadequate physical activity, frequent travelling, a low-fibre diet, stress, excessive intake of dairy products and resisting the urge to have a bowel movement.
They can also be caused by excessive use of laxative, resisting the urge to have a bowel movement due to painful haemorrhoid, intake of iron pills, antidepressants, narcotic s and antacids which contain aluminium or calcium.
Gastrointestinal Disorders in Professional Drivers
Professional driving is a type of work that demands optimum vigilance and is associated with long irregular hours of sustaining a sitting or reclining position. Professional drivers are actually prone to suffer from gastrointestinal disorders such as peptic ulcer and other digestive problems.
The irregular driving schedules and strenuous working conditions are considered as the major causes behind the gastrointestinal complaints of many drivers. Other causes include poor eating habits and irregular meal hours. Some scientists believe that prolonged sitting posture negatively affect breathing and digestion process.
Also, occupational stress can bring adverse impacts to gastrointestinal health of patients. In fact, there are gastrointestinal disorders which do not have any apparent physical cause but are strongly linked to stress. High levels of stress can actually slow down the digestion rate, which in the long run, can trigger the development of gastrointestinal disorders. Stress is mostly derived from constant time pressure, traffic congestion, social isolation, irregular work schedule and even insufficient amount of sleep or rest.
Professional drivers are less likely to eat their meals in appropriate hours but are more likely to eat unhealthy snacks while driving. According to research, eating while under a stressful situation may cause indigestion especially when the digestive system is not in a relaxed state.
What Professional Drivers Can Do To Prevent the Occurrence of Gastrointestinal Disorders
Professional driving is a stressful job that requires high psychological demands but gives people less control in making decisions. In the long run, this can result to high level of stress which can trigger the development of gastrointestinal disorders.
Adequate Intake of Healthy Foods
Intake of healthy snacks and meals are high recommended to professional drivers. It is one of the most effective ways in keeping the body nourished enough to deal with stress while driving. Drivers should take less of fatty foods. Meanwhile, their diet should be composed of high amounts of fibre, whole grains, fruits and vegetables for better digestion.
Stress Avoidance
Stress is one of the most important factors which you need to deal with to prevent the development of gastrointestinal disorders. Refrain from eating while under a stressful situation as it can trigger indigestion.